Invested millions of dollars into upgrading & improving both of our water treatment facilities.
Secured the rights to enough water to serve our residents for decades.
Began planning & construction on multiple new water towers to add more storage capacity & resiliency to the system.
Updated construction ordinances to reduce new construction landscaping and make it more drought-tolerant.
Began work on a city-wide Automatic Reading System so users can detect leaks in real time.
Hired a full time conservationist who assists residents and businesses with optimizing their irrigation system.
Began the city’s first rain water collection barrel sale.
Doubled the capacity of our first “purple pipe” water reuse system.
Began work on the city’s second “purple pipe” water reuse system.
Added resiliency to the water treatment plants by adding in a second electric feed, thus connecting them to multiple parts of the state grid.
Ensured that our water and wastewater treatment facilities are now listed as Critical Infrastructure with PEC and have an emergency communications number for any future disasters.
Provided Leander Residents with Important Tax Relief
Lowered the tax rate every single year, without exception.
Instituted the largest property tax cut in the city’s history, making the current rate the lowest the city has ever had.
Enacted the city’s first homestead exemption, giving a break to those who invest their lives here.
Improved Leander’s Public Safety
Increased hiring in the Police Department.
Opened the new Travisso Fire Station.
Facilitated a new step pay plan to help retain our Fire and PD talent and make our hiring more competitive.
Moved up in SafeWise’s annual rankings of Texas’ safest cities, now at number 27.
Improved Leander’s Business Climate
Revamped the ever-problematic sign ordinance, allowing for administrative approval of new technology & designs.
Facilitated development of a well-rounded grouping of retail centers, the city’s first industrial park, the city’s first Class A office space, and the city’s first heavy commercial business park.
Increased participation in the Williamson County Economic Development Partnership, which allows for the city to join in on recruitment of outside firms that would be beneficial to our area.
Hired top notch economic development staff.
Cleaned up processes in development services.
Slowed Down Leander’s Residential Growth
Without commercial development, the burden is on the property tax paying homeowners, so we’ve encouraged and facilitated more commercial development.
Created phasing for large residential building plans to keep the pace slow and steady.
Passed a resolution alerting developers that we are not interested in increasing housing density in any current zoning without a compelling reason.
Improved Leander’s Transportation
Implemented roadway adequacy fees to ensure developers are paying in appropriately to the needs of future road expansions.
Installed stop lights at dangerous intersections: Sonny & Bagdad; as well as Hero & Reagan.
Began the process for 3 more lights at problematic intersections: Collaborative & Bagdad; Journey & CR 175; and Reagan at Bar W/Via De Sienna.
Created a roadway master plan so we can better build to our future needs.
Built a strong & mutually supportive relationship with CapMetro and received their support in the Build Central Texas program, bringing in millions of dollars each year, back to Leander, to fund transportation projects.
Improved the Overall Quality of Life for Leander Residents
Opened up the Leander Activity Center, allowing for residents of all ages to enjoy planned activities, camps, and general socializing.
Improved our emergency management capabilities with staffing and preparedness.
Championed & approved PEC’s Hero Way Substation, providing needed electricity to the city’s growing northwest quadrant.
Brought Atmos Energy to the table, fostered continuous communication, and pushed for and received resiliency on the gas delivery system – so no-one goes cold.